Laurence Holmes and Dylan McGorty debuted Wednesday as hosts of “120 Morning Run,” a new two-hour block of live programming on 120 Sports, the recently launched video network and mobile app that’s been called a game-changer for sports fans.
Airing from 7 to 9 a.m. Monday through Friday, the show is billed as a preview of the day ahead in sports and a roundup of the previous night’s highlights. Comparing it to ESPN’s “Pardon the Interruption,” Holmes described it as “a more relaxed free-form flow with video and highlights.”
From facilities at the former Harpo Studios, 120 Sports premiered June 25 with daily live programming available as a free download from the Apple App Store on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. The network is a unique joint venture among Time Inc./Sports Illustrated, the NHL,, Campus Insiders, the PGA Tour and Jerry Reinsdorf’s Silver Chalice.
“After an exciting launch week, we’re pleased to introduce an additional block of original programming that provides an ideal way to catch-up on last night’s big sports moments and follow the latest developments of ongoing stories,” Jason Coyle, president of 120 Sports, said in a statement. “As 120 Sports continues to grow, our goal is to continue to add to our current line-up of live sports conversation.”
Holmes, the veteran Chicago sportscaster, continues as evening host on CBS Radio sports/talk WSCR AM 670, where he’s been a fixture for 16 years. McGorty is a Chicago comedy actor and weekend co-host on Tribune Broadcasting sports/talk WGWG LP 87.7.
Joining Holmes and McGorty as a regular on the show will be NFL insider Eric Edholm, a writer for Yahoo Sports Shutdown Corner. He’ll provide expert analysis on the NFL and Fantasy Football.
In addition to the new two-hour live morning block, 120 Sports will provide live updates between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. before the start of the live evening show each day.