Robservations on the media beat:
On second thought, let's not plan that retirement party for Dan Roan quite yet. In a late July interview for the folks back home in Keokuk, Iowa, the veteran sports anchor at WGN-Channel 9 told the Fort Madison Daily Democrat that he would be retiring in February, adding: “That’s pretty much going to be the end of it.” But when those comments surfaced here Monday, they came as a surprise to many at the Nexstar Media station. "Dan is an icon in Chicago television, with a tremendous impact on WGN for nearly 40 years," WGN news director Dominick Stasi told me. "We have had several discussions as Dan starts to look at the next chapter in his life. He has an eye on retiring sometime in 2022, but no exact date has been set.” Roan, 68, who began his career at WCIA, the CBS affiliate in Champaign, and joined WGN as sports director and sports anchor in 1984, preferred to let his bosses do the talking Monday. Continue reading