After reading my post Thursday night about Steve Dahl's decision not to attend his National Radio Hall of Fame induction, Chaz Ebert sent me the following open letter, which she titled "Steve and Garry, Please Bury the Hatchet."
Here is her letter in its entirety:
Dear Steve: Please go! Yes, please join Garry Meier and attend your induction into the National Radio Hall of Fame at the Museum of Broadcast Communications on Nov. 9. Take Janet and your sons and let them help you bask in the honor you have been overdue for too long. And please start making more positive remarks about Garry and the event. Time to pour honey over the wounds.
And Garry: Please call Steve to discuss it. Bury the hatchet long enough to unite for this event. Do it for Chicago, but most of all, do it to free your heart from the prison of 20 years of resentment. You are an intelligent man, and I cannot profess to know what is in your heart and mind, but this whole thing must still sting. Give it one more try.
Guys: You both have your reasons for the schism, but forgiveness is one of the greatest personal liberators. Roger and Gene Siskel took your breakup personally. They frequently discussed how they could counsel you to put the past behind you and get back together. In fact, before your split they would sometimes daydream about going their separate ways. But your split scared them so much, that even in anger they wouldn’t suggest breaking up. It brought them closer together, but it hurt them so much to see you two just walk away from each other. Not only did they enjoy your radio banter, they considered you both friends.
Bruce DuMont: Please get another photo of Garry and Steve. How about using the one that is posted in Rob Feder’s column? And can you give the honoree a complimentary ticket?
I don’t usually intercede uninvited in other people’s squabbles, but this just feels like it is crying out for someone to step in. That event will be so much better and so much more meaningful if it is attended by both of you and your families. I bet more Chicagoans will attend if you are both there.
I wasn’t planning to attend because I will be out of town, but if I know you both will be there, I will come. There are some names that just sound right together, especially in Chicago. Steve Dahl and Garry Meier, Garry Meier and Steve Dahl, either way, it just sounds right.
Loving regards,
Thursday night followup: Radio Hall of Fame chairman Bruce DuMont writes: "Thanks to Chaz for her words of wisdom from the heart. All inductees get two complimentary tickets — AND I'll even make a new RHOF poster."